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Dissecting Malware through Execution Path Graphs

A Deep Dive into Reverse Engineering Techniques


Malware reverse engineering remains a cornerstone in cybersecurity forensics and threat analysis. A plethora of tools and methodologies exist to dissect malicious binaries, but one of the most underutilized yet potent techniques is the use of Execution Path Graphs (EPGs). EPGs provide a visually coherent and analytically robust means to scrutinize the behavioral characteristics of a piece of malware. This blog aims to elucidate the technical intricacies involved in leveraging EPGs for malware reverse engineering.


Execution Path Graphs: A Primer

In essence, an Execution Path Graph is a directed acyclic graph where each node represents an operational state of the program, and each edge denotes a transition caused by a function or operation. This presents a graphical overview of all possible execution paths a program can take, making it easier to identify malicious behaviors and conditional triggers.


Setting the Stage: Pre-Analysis Preparations

Before diving into EPG generation, you need to get your malware sample into a controlled environment, typically a segregated VM. Your toolkit should ideally include disassemblers like IDA Pro, debuggers like OllyDbg or WinDbg, and graphing tools capable of handling EPGs, such as Radare2 with its r2graphity plugin.


Generating the Execution Path Graph

  1. Static Analysis: Use a disassembler to convert binary code into assembly instructions. This allows for the identification of functions, loops, and conditionals which will become nodes and edges in your graph.

  2. Dynamic Analysis: Utilize debuggers to run the malware in a controlled setting, logging function calls, variable changes, and condition triggers. This dynamic data supplements the static analysis, highlighting code pathways actually taken during execution.

  3. Graph Construction: Feed the collected data into your graphing tool, setting operational states as nodes and transitions as edges. Label nodes with operation names and edge labels to indicate the conditions for transition.

  4. Graph Traversal Algorithms: Implement graph algorithms like Depth-First Search (DFS) or Breadth-First Search (BFS) to automatically traverse the EPG, flagging paths that lead to malicious actions such as unauthorized system call or data exfiltration.


Use Cases within Ironbox Caribbean Services

  • Incident Response: Our team utilizes EPGs to quickly ascertain the behavior of zero-day malware, enhancing our ability to craft targeted countermeasures.

  • Endpoint Security Management: Integrating EPG analysis into the CodePredict agent enables more robust anomaly detection, offering advanced protection for both IT and OT environments.

  • Security Analytics: EPGs can be incorporated into our SIEM solutions, or separate graph databases providing an extra layer of contextual information to enhance alert prioritization, threat intelligence and incident response.


Best Practices and Pitfalls

  • State Explosion Problem: The sheer number of possible execution paths can lead to an overwhelming graph. Utilize function summarization and loop unrolling techniques to manage complexity.

  • Conditional Obfuscation: Advanced malware often employs obfuscation techniques to thwart analysis. Consider concolic execution strategies to evaluate conditional statements in a symbolic manner, cutting through the noise.

  • Dynamically Loaded Code: Keep an eye out for LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress calls, indicating dynamically linked libraries (DLLs). These need separate analysis and incorporation into the EPG.

For a good write-up on pitfalls and their solutions, see the following presentation by Marion Marschalek :



Execution Path Graphs offer a potent methodology for reverse engineering, especially when it comes to complex malware analysis. When used correctly, they can drastically enhance our understanding of a malware’s behavior, aiding in incident response and threat intelligence.


For more information on how Ironbox Caribbean employs advanced malware reverse engineering techniques in its services, feel free to reach out for a tailored consultation.

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